Python Dictionaries
In Python, a dictionary is an ordered (from Python > 3.7) collection of key
: value
Example Dictionary:
my_cat = {
'size': 'fat',
'color': 'gray',
'disposition': 'loud'
Set key, value using subscript operator []
>>> my_cat = {
... 'size': 'fat',
... 'color': 'gray',
... 'disposition': 'loud',
... }
>>> my_cat['age_years'] = 2
>>> print(my_cat)
# {'size': 'fat', 'color': 'gray', 'disposition': 'loud', 'age_years': 2}
Get value using subscript operator []
In case the key is not present in dictionary KeyError
is raised.
>>> my_cat = {
... 'size': 'fat',
... 'color': 'gray',
... 'disposition': 'loud',
... }
>>> print(my_cat['size'])
# fat
>>> print(my_cat['eye_color'])
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# KeyError: 'eye_color'
The values()
method gets the values of the dictionary:
>>> pet = {'color': 'red', 'age': 42}
>>> for value in pet.values():
... print(value)
# red
# 42
The keys()
method gets the keys of the dictionary:
>>> pet = {'color': 'red', 'age': 42}
>>> for key in pet.keys():
... print(key)
# color
# age
There is no need to use .keys() since by default you will loop through keys:
>>> pet = {'color': 'red', 'age': 42}
>>> for key in pet:
... print(key)
# color
# age
The items()
method gets the items of a dictionary and returns them as a <router-link to=/cheatsheet/lists-and-tuples#the-tuple-data-type>Tuple</router-link>:
>>> pet = {'color': 'red', 'age': 42}
>>> for item in pet.items():
... print(item)
# ('color', 'red')
# ('age', 42)
Using the keys()
, values()
, and items()
methods, a for loop can iterate over the keys, values, or key-value pairs in a dictionary, respectively.
>>> pet = {'color': 'red', 'age': 42}
>>> for key, value in pet.items():
... print(f'Key: {key} Value: {value}')
# Key: color Value: red
# Key: age Value: 42
The get()
method returns the value of an item with the given key. If the key doesn’t exist, it returns None
>>> wife = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33}
>>> f'My wife name is {wife.get("name")}'
# 'My wife name is Rose'
>>> f'She is {wife.get("age")} years old.'
# 'She is 33 years old.'
>>> f'She is deeply in love with {wife.get("husband")}'
# 'She is deeply in love with None'
You can also change the default None
value to one of your choice:
>>> wife = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33}
>>> f'She is deeply in love with {wife.get("husband", "lover")}'
# 'She is deeply in love with lover'
Adding items with setdefault()
It’s possible to add an item to a dictionary in this way:
>>> wife = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33}
>>> if 'has_hair' not in wife:
... wife['has_hair'] = True
Using the setdefault
method, we can make the same code more short:
>>> wife = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33}
>>> wife.setdefault('has_hair', True)
>>> wife
# {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33, 'has_hair': True}
Removing Items
The pop()
method removes and returns an item based on a given key.
>>> wife = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33, 'hair': 'brown'}
>>> wife.pop('age')
# 33
>>> wife
# {'name': 'Rose', 'hair': 'brown'}
The popitem()
method removes the last item in a dictionary and returns it.
>>> wife = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33, 'hair': 'brown'}
>>> wife.popitem()
# ('hair', 'brown')
>>> wife
# {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33}
The del()
method removes an item based on a given key.
>>> wife = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33, 'hair': 'brown'}
>>> del wife['age']
>>> wife
# {'name': 'Rose', 'hair': 'brown'}
method removes all the items in a dictionary.
>>> wife = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33, 'hair': 'brown'}
>>> wife.clear()
>>> wife
# {}
Checking keys in a Dictionary
>>> person = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33}
>>> 'name' in person.keys()
# True
>>> 'height' in person.keys()
# False
>>> 'skin' in person # You can omit keys()
# False
Checking values in a Dictionary
>>> person = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33}
>>> 'Rose' in person.values()
# True
>>> 33 in person.values()
# True
Pretty Printing
>>> import pprint
>>> wife = {'name': 'Rose', 'age': 33, 'has_hair': True, 'hair_color': 'brown', 'height': 1.6, 'eye_color': 'brown'}
>>> pprint.pprint(wife)
# {'age': 33,
# 'eye_color': 'brown',
# 'hair_color': 'brown',
# 'has_hair': True,
# 'height': 1.6,
# 'name': 'Rose'}
Merge two dictionaries
For Python 3.5+:
>>> dict_a = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> dict_b = {'b': 3, 'c': 4}
>>> dict_c = {**dict_a, **dict_b}
>>> dict_c
# {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4}
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