Python bytearray() built-in function

From the Python 3 documentation Return a new array of bytes. The bytearray class is a mutable sequence of integers in the range [...]. It has most of the usual methods of mutable sequences, described in Mutable Sequence Types, as well as most methods that the bytes type has [...].


A bytearray object in Python is similar to a list of integers, but instead of storing numbers, it stores bytes. These bytes can represent binary data, such as an image or a file, or they can represent ASCII or UTF-8 encoded text.

A bytearray object is mutable, meaning its elements can be changed after it is created. It also has a variety of built-in methods that allow you to manipulate the bytes, such as append(), extend(), insert(), and remove().

You can create a bytearray object in several ways. One way is to use the bytearray() constructor and pass it a string, a bytes object, or a bytearray object. For example:

>>> data = "Hello, World!"
>>> bytearray_obj = bytearray(data, "utf-8")
>>> print(bytearray_obj)
# bytearray(b'Hello, World!')

Another way is to use the bytes() function and then convert it to a bytearray object using the bytearray() function:

>>> data = b"Hello, World!"
>>> bytearray_obj = bytearray(data)
>>> print(bytearray_obj)
# bytearray(b'Hello, World!')

Bytearray objects are useful in situations where you need to manipulate binary data or when you want to efficiently modify large amounts of data.

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